I was plunderin on the net and sailed upon this idea for bacon wrapped chicken pieces and thought WOW what a Great Combination!
Now, I have taken the liberty to adjust the one I read to my own liking and added me personal touches to it. Ye can feel free to do the same....
I marinaded the chicken in Stubbs Chicken Marinade
Let the rub settle into the meat while you get the smoker going. I'm using the oak lump charcoal
What you will need:
2 lbs chicken thighs
2 lbs chicken breast boneless / skinless
1 cup of dark brown sugar
Rub of your choice
2 cups of cinnamon apple sauce
1 lb sliced bacon
2 cups of orange juice for the water pan
6 cups of water for the water pan
apple wood chunks
If you are using frozen chicken parts make sure to thaw in the refrigerator a couple of days prior to smoking. The thighs can be trimmed and boned to allow for easier eating when done. Try not to remove all of the fat as it will render down during the cooking process and add flavor too. Remove from the marinade and pat dry.
Take a slice of bacon and wrap each piece of chicken and secure with a toothpick. You may use as many strips of bacon to cover the entire piece as needed.
When wrapped then give each a generous coating of apple sauce and sprinkle generously with the brown sugar.
Place into the smoker on the top shelf and add orange juice and water to the water pan then add the apple wood chunks to the fire and you are all set. Smoke for about three hours or until the temp gets to an internal temp of 165 degrees.
The finished product will be out of this world!!